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Wang, X., P. Jones, and J. Zambreno, "A Configurable Architecture for Sparse LU Decomposition on Matrices with Arbitrary Patterns", Proceedings of the International Symposium on Highly-Efficient Accelerators and Reconfigurable Technologies (HEART), June, 2015. PDF icon WanJon15A.pdf (701.98 KB)
Wang, X., P. Jones, and J. Zambreno, "A Configurable Architecture for Sparse LU Decomposition on Matrices with Arbitrary Patterns", ACM Computer Architecture News (CAN), vol. 43, issue 4, September, 2015. PDF icon WanJon16A.pdf (1.17 MB)
Rilling, J., D. Graziano, J. Hitchcock, T. Meyer, X. Wang, P. Jones, and J. Zambreno, "Circumventing a Ring Oscillator Approach to FPGA-Based Hardware Trojan Detection", Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD), October, 2011. PDF icon RilGra11A.pdf (203.04 KB)